Performing with Impact

We all want to make a positive impact at home, work, or our community. We hope that Wicked Agility can be used to tackle worldwide problems such as sustainability or gnarly complex issues in our workplace or communities.

Wicked Agility is for individuals and teams tired of being unproductive, having unmanaged conflict, and feeling disengaged. It’s for teams and leaders that work on complex, meaningful problems, want more healthy conflict, and know diversity and empowerment are a team advantage. We work with you to create self-managing teams with down-to-earth conversations about their work and how they’re feeling. Most importantly, we help people discover their full potential by working through gnarly problems in the best way – learning by doing.

Work with us to get down to the basics and understand what it takes to create an impactful team that genuinely loves what they do and delivers to make a difference in sustainability or any complex gnarly issue they may have.



Creating Powerful Problem Solvers

Wicked teams feel excited and hopeful because they are focused on doing work that they believe truly matters. Their conflict is productive and leaves everyone feeling heard and valued rather than frustrated. Wicked teams create deep connections and understanding of one another, allowing them to clearly identify and solve problems.


Harnessing the Power of Teams

Wicked Leaders have a clear vision and can relate the vision with clarity and passion to the team. They are inspiring and have a tenacity and perseverance to do what it takes to deliver the vision. Wicked leaders have experienced failure and know the importance of learning by doing.


Turning Gnarly Problems into Impactful Opportunities


Wicked problems come in a variety of shapes and forms and are complex. Wicked Problems have no single solution or symptom. In a global perspective examples are Poverty, COVID, Inequality, Racism, Child Trafficking and Climate Change. In our communities and corporations they can show up in issues related to engagement, diversity and inclusion, inequality, working relationships, budgets, safety, and so on. They leave no industry untouched, challenging the patience, determination, and confidence needed to solve them. People experiencing wicked problems feel trapped and are unsure of how to even get started.


Wicked opportunities harness the power of wicked teams. They bring a modern way of working to communities and businesses to solve wicked problems. Wicked opportunities are created when people feel hopeful, supported, and energized. And with the proper tools and resources, they can chip away at the problem, learning as they go along.


Becoming a Team-Based Society

If our communities are filled with wicked leaders and teams, all the stresses, anxieties, and lack of confidence from wicked problems will be mitigated or even eliminated. People’s perspectives will shift, causing them to see wicked opportunities where they can create real impact for real people.

In a team-based society, people will feel more engaged and hopeful about their work. They will feel excited because they know that they can solve almost anything they set their minds to together as a team.

Want to learn more about Wicked Agility?