Lyssa Adkins: Wicked Wisdom

I had the pleasure of interviewing Lyssa Adkins, an Agile and Leadership Coach, for Wicked Agility’s inaugural Wicked & Agile Interview.

Lyssa and I share a passion about how Agilists can work and support teams who engage in wicked problems. She shared her views of Wicked Problems and what we can do as Agilists. In this interview you will understand how the Agile and Wicked Problem world can support each other.

Lyssa's Wicked Wisdom

1. "I'm Right" Has outlived its usefulness.

  • Every conflict, war, disgruntled conflict starts with those who are so adamant that they are right. Instead of "I'm Right" try "This is my truth" and be open and willing to hear other peoples truths.

2. Don't believe everything you think.

  • Lose your grips on your idea - especially those ideas attached to your identity. Take more perspectives.

3. Go Together.

  • We need each other as these situations are very complex. We need our network of networks as they provide diversity in ideas and life experience and this can inform our next wise steps. This can help make experiments that have more impact.

Watch the Wicked & Agile Interview recording with Lyssa Adkins and Joanne Stone below.


Heather Fox: Wicked Wisdom