Michelle Anhang: Wicked Wisdom

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Michelle Anhang, a Mental Health and Leadership Coach. Her passion is Mental Health and how to talk about Mental Health as easy as talking about Physical Health.

In this interview we discussed about mental health issues in our teams, conflict management, and wicked problems in mental health space. So many great suggestions including having team members create a user manual about how they are when they get stressed or in conflict or how best to work with them.

Michelle's Wicked Wisdom

1. Remember Self Care is not Selfish

  • Prioritize self care first. When your cup is overflowing we have a lot to give.  When it is empty we are stuck and we cannot help others.

2. Physically Lean Back when you feel Tense or Stressed

  • When you feel tension, your chest may feel tight, physically lean back on your chair.  This gives you space, gives you the ability to breath.  When we are passionate we tend to lean in to close and wanting to control.  When you lean back, you are letting go of control.

3. Apply HOPE - to lift you up

  • H-O-P-E :  Help One Person Everyday

  • When we give we can operate from a different space that lifts us up. and helps our mental health.

Watch the Wicked & Agile Interview recording with Michelle Anhang and Joanne Stone below.


Mike Edwards: Wicked Wisdom


Heather Fox: Wicked Wisdom