Mike Edwards: Wicked Wisdom

Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to interview Mike Edwards, Author, Leader, Leadership Coach and Team Coach.

Mike and I chatted about wicked problems facing our leaders and organizations.  Mike likes to reveal the unseen, unheard, and unspoken.  He feels that much of the wicked problems are due to what we are not seeing.  For example, we have seen leaders wanting the teams to return back to the office.  Going back to the office could be due to lack of trust. Yet who is talking about trust?  Talking and actioning the unseen elephant in the room can help our organizations chip away at their gnarly problems. We first have to reveal the unseen.

Mike has a daily leadership blog which can be subscribed at https//www.leadingforchange.ca 

Mike's Wicked Wisdom

1.Start by Leading Yourself First

  • Look at  your mindset and how you are responding to challenges. Are you taking it personally or are you seeing it as information to inform what is really going on.

2. Use Old School Trouble Shooting Tools to see the Problem

  • Use the 5 Whys or the Fishbone Process to get clarity of the problems because these simple processes work

  • Too often we over complicate these conversations and these simple processes are all what we need.

3. Ask for Help to identify what the true problem is 

  • Ask team members, peers, community members, family members to help you find what the problem is.  These different perspectives can provide so much more data on what is really happening.

Watch the Wicked & Agile Interview recording with Mike Edwards and Joanne Stone below.


Robert MacGregor: Wicked Wisdom


Michelle Anhang: Wicked Wisdom