Robert MacGregor: Wicked Wisdom

Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to interview Robert MacGregor, Principle Agile Coach and Scrum Master.

In this interview, Robert and I talked all about the type of person you have to be to engage in and handle a wicked problem, along with how to start becoming that person. We touched upon mindset needed for tackling the issues, tapping into the passion that aggregates into a cohesive team, and the incandescent fury that led to taking ownership issues as a means of removing impediments.

Robert's Wicked Wisdom

1. Watch for Weak Signals

  • Had Lucent been paying more attention, they would have seen the rise of personal computers and how the PC could be used to build systems at lower cost.

2. Bigger Isn't Always Better

  • In the face of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, big process gets very little traction.

3. Believe in the power of people

  • People can do extraordinary things when facing substantial challenges.

4. This Work is Not For Everyone

  • You need to be tenacious and resilient when faced with complex and chaotic situations.

Watch the Wicked & Agile Interview recording with Robert MacGregor and Joanne Stone below.


Paula Hope: Wicked Wisdom


Mike Edwards: Wicked Wisdom